Now that you know about choosing tools to assist with gathering social media data (if you decide to choose one), there’s basically a three step process in achieving social media analytics. These steps are Capture, Understand and Present.3_Steps_SMA

  1. Capture is the first step where an organization identifies conversation related to their brand, products, service, etc. on various social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, and blogs. From the various platforms alone, a business can capture a huge amount of data. To move on to the next stage, different things need to be performed during this stage with the data such as linking data from various sources, creating some type of data model, tagging parts of conversations, extracting out specific highlights from the data, remove a lot of useless data to get a more meaningful analysis and perform other types of operations with the data that will support the analysis. Remember there are tools to help with pulling out keywords or mentions of a business, product, or services, etc. as mentioned in the previous blog “So Many Social Media Analytics Tools! Which Tool Is Best For You”.


  1. Once the data is capture and prepared, the next step is to try to Understand the data and get some metrics for making useful decisions. An example of metrics could be volume, how much people are talking about a brand, product, service, etc. Engagement is another metric to see how people are participating in the conversations about a brand, product, service, etc. The understand stage is the main part of the entire social media analytics process (Wan, Gordon 2014). This stage will provide information about user’s feelings. How the customer feel about a business and its products or service. This is where an understanding began to happen about the likelihood of a customer to purchase a product after seeing an ad campaign. Many useful metrics and trends about users can be formed during this stage. The results of understanding the data and metrics will have a major effect on the next step, present.


  1. The last step is Present. In this stage the results are summarized, evaluated and shown to users in a format they can understand. Visualization techniques such as a visual dashboard which can display aggregate information from various sources, different types of graphs, etc can help display information. There are definitely more sophisticated visual analytics such as real time visualizations. There are various tools to help with creating visualizations. This link can help get you started:

Some organizations may have their own business plan/process of developing their social media analytics. The three steps above are the basics and a guide to help get started so the entire process will not seem overwhelming.


Wan, W., & Gordon, M. D. (2014, June). The Power of Social Media Analytics. Retrieved March 04, 2016, from